Friday, February 23, 2018

Tips To Score Higher In IELTS !

Scoring high in IELTS is not an easy task and you need to work hard for a long time. It is tiring, we all know and sometimes after many attempts, we even lose our hope. Here, we will discuss some tips that would help you with IELTS.

1.    Make use of the IELTS structure to your advantage: During your listening test, rather than verifying your answers when the recording is telling you to do so, just directly go to section 2 and start reading them. This way, you would still have some time to review your answers at the end, as ten minutes would be there to transfer your answers. Try to understand the structure of your test and use strategy to make use of your time in order to score higher.

2.    Try to do the things in the right order to save some time: During the reading test, for a lot of people, time management is always a problem and thus, the order in which you attend different questions could save you some time. Some people say that matching the headings takes a longer time, but if you are doing it paragraph by paragraph, you would save time.

First, go to the paragraph and just look at the list of headings and then you just have to pick the most suitable one and then repeat the same step with the second paragraph and this would prevent you from reading the paragraph again and your time would be saved. With less reading, you can save more time.

3.    Find out your weaknesses and strengths: We all are different and so as our strengths and weaknesses. Practice at home and find out where you are lacking and how much time you take to finish.

For online IELTS preparation, you can also join a study center near you.

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